#1 = Strength Training is Dangerous Especially as You Age.

Truth be told it’s one of the safest forms of activity you can be involved in at any age. My mother-in-law would always worry when my kid’s strength trained that they were going to get hurt. She never seemed to say anything when they played soccer, baseball, or football. In fact, my son broke his leg playing football. None of my kids or my parents have been hurt lifting weights and strength training. Statistically, strength training is significantly safer than the golf you play on the weekend, a pickup basketball game, skiing or tennis.

Properly performed exercise and strength training is very safe even for the “athlete of aging”. It makes you more resilient and resistant to injury, less likely to get hurt doing all those other activities. Many people hurt their back playing golf and strength training and staying “in shape” can strengthen the back and abdominal muscles making injury less likely. Not to mention strength training can help your performance on the course. If you do get hurt golfing or gardening someone who strength trains is statistically likely to recover quicker than someone who does not. Here is what one of my former collegiate athletes has to say. "In 2021, I ruptured my Achilles tendon playing basketball and suffered nerve damage from surgery. Nate's customized training program helped me gain the strength to walk, run, and get back to doing the activities that I enjoy."

There are risks to any course of action but there are risks to inaction as well. Disuse is its own abuse. The enormous body of evidence supporting strength training for aging adults show significant benefits from, maintaining muscle mass, decreasing pain, lessening the risk of heart disease, diabetes, Osteoporosis as well as enhanced mood, resistance to depression and slower cognitive decline. In short it can improve your quality of life and enhance your ability to engage in daily activities and hobbies as you age. Get out there get moving. It does not need to be long, intense or complicated. Start where your abilities are, and progress in a slow, consistent, progressive manner. Begin training for the most extreme sport of all, life.

Nate Moe
Personal Strength Coach
Helping adults train for the most extreme sport of all, aging well. Become an athlete of aging today.